Strawberries Crowned a Health Star

The strawberry is a very valuable tool in your good health toolbox. It is believed that the red antioxidants are some of the most potent, and strawberries, being red, are high in red antioxidants. Strawberries are high in vitamin C and contain almost as much as oranges. They are a low glycemic fruit, so they can be enjoyed by people who need to stay away from those fruits which are high in sugar. They are also best combined with the blue colored berries for a full spectrum of antioxidant pigments added to your anticancer arsenal.

These berries are high in potassium, which is beneficial for the heart. They also are high in anti-inflammatory chemicals that keep the arterial systems healthy. Folate is great for keeping homocysteine levels low, which is also a boon for keeping heart disease in check. This nutrient also prevents the development of the spinal condition, spina bifida, in unborn babies. Lutein is a nutrient which can help prevent macular degeneration and to improve eyesight. Lutein is found in strawberries, tomatoes, and blueberries. Phenols are powerful anticancer chemicals that prevent cancer as well as reduce rheumatoid arthritis, and are also abundant in strawberries. The phenols and phytochemicals in these berries can also act as a natural anti-inflammatory which over time can reduce pain that is caused by inflammatory conditions. Unlike NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, etc) and aspirin, there are no side effects. Vitamin C is useful for a strong immune system as well as younger looking skin via strong connective tissue.

Like other berries, strawberries are high in fiber content, which is great for digestive health and for regulating the speed at which sugar enters the bloodstream. Eight medium sized berries contain about two grams of fiber. Berries are a very tasty and delicious way to add fiber to your diet. Add them to your morning cereal for a supercharged nutritional morning boost.

The strawberry is truly a remarkable fruit, and it is available year round in most groceries. The berries should be plump and bright red if bought fresh. Frozen strawberries are available by the bag and are a great way to have the fresh taste of berry goodness any time. Frozen berries are great for smoothies or any cold food application. They are also very tasty if you let them defrost slowly and then consume them when they are still cold but soft from defrosting. No artificially created cold snack can compare to strawberries in this state.